Back in the mid nineties, CAPE produced a television show on Santa Cruz cable network called Speaking of Animals. The show ran for many years and we produced more than 110 shows on every imaginable topic related to animals. The studio allowed us to take animals onto the set, and Speaking of Animals was viewed by thousands of people and won numerous awards for Best Educational Programming.
We decided to bring Speaking of Animals back in our new, online format and we invite you to enjoy, share, and let us know if there are topics or speakers you would like us to feature. You can email us directly via the website at [email protected]. Thanks for watching! And don't forget to subscribe. - Follow us on Facebook, Instagram
- Subscribe to our YouTube Channel - Subscribe to our Mailing List - Sign up for our E-alerts Episode 12: Assisted Living ProgramFor dogs with chronic medical conditions, behavioral issues or who are very old, chances of adoption can be very slim. This is where CAPE’s Assisted Living Program comes in.
Episode 10: Remy & Renegade's Friendship continues to thrive!Friendships continue to thrive at the CAPE Animal Sanctuary and on this week's episode, we're showcasing Remy & Renegade's incredible bond.
EPISODE 8: ABOUT BLM ROUNDUPS with AWHCJoin us on our latest burro rescue as we partner with American Wild Horse Campaign
Episode 6: Spay & Neuter in the O.r.We're interviewing Dr. Bonnie Yoffe, shelter veterinarian for over 25 years, to discuss the importance of spay and neuter.
Episode 4: Happy Feet at cape animal sanctuaryIs foot care part of your animal's wellness plan? This week's episode is all about hoof care!
Episode two: BogartTurkeys have some very interesting personality traits! Let's talk about them with rescued turkey, Bogart.
Season two debut: an ode to gertie the goatSpecial edition episode wildlife photographer suzi eszterhasEpisode 11: A Day In The Life of a CAPE Animal sanctuary caretakerCaring for animals is a labor of love. Join us for a day at the CAPE Animal Sanctuary!
EPISODE 9: rootie helps us celebrate senior animals this week!Kicking off CAPE’s Celebrate Senior Animals Week is fifteen year old Rootie! Learn all about Rootie’s journey to CAPE and what he enjoys doing throughout his day.
Episode 7: Come to the shelter with us!CAPE is headed to evaluate dogs at a local shelter. Buckle up and join us for this week in dog rescues!
Episode 5: Dinner Time at the sanctuary Dinner time at the CAPE Animal Sanctuary is a lot of fun! Want to help?
Episode 3: rescuing lorrie the goatThis week, we reflect on CAPE's latest rescue from a livestock auction. Introducing Lorrie the goat!
Episode ONE: IntroMeet Speaking of Animals' new host, Jackie Howard, who is also CAPE's Director of Animal Care!
“"Never, never be afraid to do what's right, especially if the well-being of a person or animal is at stake. Society's punishments are small compared to the wounds we inflict on our soul when we look the other way."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr