On September 23, 2016 a gentle, severely lame horse was a heartbeat away from slaughter. CAPE rescued him from a farm animal auction and brought him to our sanctuary in Grass Valley, CA. He had no name.
He could barely walk and his head hung low in distress from the pain radiating from his legs and hooves. Shortly after he arrived at the CAPE Animal Sanctuary, our veterinarian went to work cleaning and trimming his hooves. She put shoes on his front feet. It was not long until the horse's head was up, and he was trotting through the pasture!
That same day he was given his new name - Remy.
Remy is recovering beautifully. The deep wounds that covered his legs have healed. His front legs, once extremely swollen, are now long and lean. These days if you catch him trotting around the pasture, he'll quickly turn in your direction hoping for a treat or two. Remy is a sweet-tempered boy who is capturing the hearts of all who meet him - even the six burros who are now sharing their pasture with him! Remy's story proves that compassion can make all the difference in the life of an animal.
Remy's story appeared in Grass Valley's newspaper, The Union. You can read more about him by clicking on this link. Our heartfelt thanks to Kim Midboe for writing such an informative, caring story about Remy's journey to CAPE.