During the week of June 25, 2017, CAPE will ramp up our rescues visiting over crowded shelters and bringing dogs to safety. The dogs will either go into foster homes or brought to Muttopia, a dog shelter we co-created with Compassion Without Borders. Help us continue our work on behalf of all animals by donating today. Thank you !
During the past 25 years CAPE has helped and rescued thousands of animals. To celebrate this milestone, you can donate "25" towards helping animals!
$2.50 - a yummy meal for Baby Goat Apollo $25 - vaccinations for a rescued dog like Prince Albert $250 - 5 spay/neuter surgeries for dogs like Brennely $2500 - new fencing so we can rescue and provide sanctuary for more burros Our original dreams to establish a sanctuary for animals with special needs; create a dog shelter for rescued dogs; and to produce innovative education programs such as the Animal Film Festival, have all come true! Help us to continue to save the lives of animals for the next 25 years and beyond by sharing this page with your friends and family on social medial. We could not save a single life without your support. Thank you so much for being a part of CAPE's amazing work as we embark on our next 25 years.